Train for the strong pregnancy, birth, and postpartum you've dreamed of!


With workouts crafted from a Prenatal and Postnatal Personal Trainer, you can keep living the active lifestyle you love, keep pain at a minimum, and gain strength for all that motherhood brings.


Join a TL Program

Postpartum or in the thick of motherhood? Become an Empowered Mama!

Empower your motherhood journey with workouts carefully crafted for the first year of motherhood and beyond. 

Join Empowered Mama

Hi, I'm Lexy, a Pre and Postnatal Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist. I want to help you have an empowered pregnancy, birth, and motherhood journey. Let's get you feeling your best physically and mentally for the biggest journey of your life!

What can you expect from working with me?

I am all about getting your body feeling its best, minimizing aches and pains, and healing quickly. You can count on these 3 things with me:

Form is #1

Without proper form, it will only lead to pain, muscle imbalances, and possible injuries. Form will always be priority with every workout I lead.

Modifications & Progressions

The transformation we go through in motherhood is anything but linear. Some days we may feel our best and want to push it, while other days, just showing up is enough. Rest assured knowing there is always an option for you with my workouts. 

Pre & Postnatal 

Corrective Exercise 

Your body is going to grow, change, birth, and transform, over a relatively short period of time. Each workout I create is founded on Pre and Postnatal Corrective Exercise principals to give your body exactly what it needs with each change. 


 "Getting in the workout mode again was challenging but I am SO HAPPY I started with this!!"


"The Empowered Mama series has honestly changed my health and mental well-being around 180 degrees."

E. W.

"Weighed in at 157 this morning!!! I haven't been in the 50s since pre pregnancy so VERY excited and motivated to keep it going!

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New program launches, free workouts, my favorite recipes, and everything pre and postnatal fitness delivered to your inbox.